mardi 14 décembre 2010

Solo Goal Celebration From Cristiano Ronaldo

crisEverything about Cristiano Ronaldo becomes news. And that’s including his solo goal celebration, when he scored 2 goals against Valencia on El Real last Liga match.
It was an important match for Los Blancos, especially after the El Clasico defeat. Victory over Valencia was believed to be a positive injection to gain their convidence. And when until the second half they haven’t made a single goal, they began to frustrated. So Cristiano first goal was supposed to be a relief and exciting moment for all the player. But instead of celebrating with joy and excitement, they prefer to be calm, and leave the Portuguese player to enjoy the celebration  alone. Of course few of the team-mates were congratulated him, such as Pepe, Marcelo, Ozil and Lass. But none of other player approached him afterwards.
And after he made his second goal, it got worse. No mate came towards him, until he had to ran to the bench, celebrated with Dudek on the subs, and later Marcelo and Alonso congratulated him. Clearly, it was a quite celebration.
The daily El Mundo Deportivo had their own conclusion regarding this reaction. They wrote about Cristiano “rocky” relationship with the players in Real Madrid, and that it was a reflection of how Cristiano bad behaviour is affecting the players. And even Iker Casillas was called as one of the most dissatisfied player with the winger. And that’s not all. El Mundo also wrote about Valdano’s concern about this matter, and he will bring this dissatisfaction problem to Florentino Perez.
Could this be true ?
But then again, this news could be a total lie, since it came from Barcelona’s press. It’s not a surprise to read Cristiano as a villain in Spanish Sport news. Besides, come to think of it, all Real’s player have just been facing a terrible match against Barcelona on a previous match, and it consider as the biggest humiliation moments for them. Getting back on their feet is a hard thing to do, and it might reduce the celebration excitement.

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